Friday, July 6, 2018

HRM -Change Management

Image result for change management

The only certainty in life is death, the next contant factor is change. Industry leaders and HR professional have to be Change Agents in the corporate world as change either creates opportunity and will lead to disaster. In the last 40 year many technology companies have withered away such as the typewriter companies, even computer companies such as Digital Micro System the only Min Frame Computer company could not effectively manage change.

It’s the responsibility of top management and HR professionals to create a environment in the organization that accepts and adopts to change to be successful in this century (Alfes, et el, 2010). It is undoubted that change is dislike by employees and some times by management. 

However, the company that manages change and adopts in the long run will be competitive and will be in a win-win situation (AMA, 2018)  Analyst forecast that new changes in jobs even the titles in the next 15-20 years cannot be predicted or labeled due to technology change. Traditional jobs are changing they are being either Robotic Assisted sometimes totally even eliminating traditional jobs that require human judgement and expertise.

Therefore, managing change and embracing change is the key to organizational success and HR professional along with industry leaders should support and commit to setup processes and systems that will assist in the management of change and a culture of change management should be implemented in the 21st century corporate to survive and be competitive. 

Scholars suggest that there are two major types of organizational change they are 1. Imposed change by circumstances and 2. Planned and accepted or adopted change that leads to growth and improvement the issue of proactiveness to managing change

Image result for the big opportunity

There are many models for managing change and various processes and the management of a company should be trained in managing change and not wait for disaster to strike and then think of change management (Lars, et el, 2015).

In the people side of change management, one can use the AIDA model to move people to manage change in an organization as illustrated below.

Image result for

Change management is absolute necessity for todays managers and employees for organizational and individual survival.


1. AMA (2018) HRM best Practices in Change Management. accessed July 2nd ,2018.

2. Alfes, K., Truss,C., and Gill, J., (2010) The HR Manager as Change Agent: Evidence from the Public Sector. Journal of Change Management. V 10, 2010, Issue

3. Lars, T., Kruyen, P.M., Vijverberg, D.M., and  Voesenek,T.J.,  (2015) "Connecting HRM and change management: the importance of proactivity and vitality", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 28 Issue: 4, pp.627-640,


  1. You have done a good work. Keep it up.

  2. Nicely structured essay.Good job.

  3. hey hi, very good flow and writing style congratulation nobody has written in this top flow is good, examples and models should have talked of the impact of not addressing change management but overall excellent work

  4. The way u have started makes curious to read... Very wewell written..

  5. Excelent write up. It seems you read more journals. Keep continuing....

  6. Nice work. You have done a good research. Keep it up.

  7. Well organized essay and good references..

  8. Thanks so much for the valuable comment,


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